Costing Concerns under ERP Implementation

Thank for your very observant email. I completely understand your concerns, especially when you had to take up the whole costing related ERP requirements on your own from Sonata’s side and there were no backup person from both IT and Finance departments to help you out due to resource constraints. Not to mention that most of your reports have been pushed back as post Go Live deliverables.

Since, I am not the right person to address your queries mentioned below; I am copying relevant KPMG and Sonata personnel to share your concerns and would request KPMG to schedule a meeting immediately with the relevant stakeholders in presence of top management to address the same. I will be looking to everyone’s cooperation in this regard who are copied in this email.

Though I am copying both KPMG Consultants in this email, I would request you to coordinate with them to address Costing concerns. Please suggest a time where we can schedule a meeting with the relevant stakeholders to address the below mentioned issues and come up with an amicable and realistic solution, which would make our costing department’s life simpler, easier and meaningful with respect to ERP solution.

Management Accounting is a huge thing if you really consider and nothing if you disregard its essence.

Nowadays, I regularly respond to various important queries of top management, by means of digging information from a hard rock. Cost related, Budget related, variance related, profitability related, volume related, margin related, inventory related why, what, who, where, when, how are my daily life. Today I can do my job event though in snail speed, will I be a sprinter tomorrow!

Costing Concerns under ERP Implementation Costing Concerns under ERP Implementation Reviewed by Hosne on 9:09 AM Rating: 5
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