Open Points on Direct Labor and QAD

Thank you for your time and patience for the session, based on our discussion please find below the summary - The complete employee payroll related costing can be divided into 4 headings:
  1. Daily Labor
  2. QAD
  3. Admin and Supervision
  4. GPO (General Plant Overheads)

Daily Labor
We have defined HR organization up to activity level for Manufacturing division
[e.g. Manufacturing division --> Site Facilities --> General Manufacturing Facility --> Production --> Dispensing]

Any Employee (Regular/Probationary/Retainer) if tagged to the above organization will have a cost center code = 401 (dispensing) and his/her salary will be costed as {108.116.Account.999.401.999.EmpNo.999.999}

For Daily Labor (Contract workers) the cost center code will be 401 only however he/she will be be paid through oracle payroll. The cost center code will be displayed in the EIT report
Open Points

For the activity 'Packing' which account code to be used - 424 or 425 ?. Currently we have defined only one head in HR Orgs. by the name primary packing. If required to capture costing at more granular level 'Primary packing - sterile and non-sterile' appropriate HR Orgs. to be defined in system. 

If costing for junior officers are to be captured at activity level, they need to be tagged to the appropriate org in their assignment form

If QAD costing is to be distributed between various cost centers then logic is to be provided and will required manual intervention every time there is a change in the distribution rule
Open Points on Direct Labor and QAD Open Points on Direct Labor and QAD Reviewed by Hosne on 3:15 PM Rating: 5
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