Objectives to accomplish from the UAT completion

Please read the message from Head of Finance below. He has listed the objectives that he is looking to accomplish from the UAT completion. I think we need to give the best to ensure that our project team can satisfy Head of Finance’s objectives at the completion of the UAT.

In order to achieve Head of Finance’s objectives, the following guidelines needs to be maintained :

1. Sonata Finance Key User team --> This team has already ensured that all the listed goals from Khokan da had already been documented as UAT Scenarios. If any of the objectives listed below is not part of the existing UAT Scenario document, I will request you to let Head of IT and me know about it. We will jointly decide on the action plan for those scenarios without disrupting the Project Plan

2. KPMF Finance team --> This team will ensure that all the documented UAT scenarios are tested to the user’s satisfaction. If there are any UAT scenarios that is not documented but it may be required as per the mail fromHead of Finance below, please let Head of IT & me know about it. We shall jointly decide on the action plan for those posed scenarios without disrupting the Project Plan

I will request all the team members , copied in this email, to go through Head of Finance’s objective as mentioned below. If you think that we are missing any of the mentioned objectives in the UAT , please highlight to Head of IT & me immediately.
Objectives to accomplish from the UAT completion Objectives to accomplish from the UAT completion Reviewed by Hosne on 2:39 PM Rating: 5
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