Inventory Management in Oracle EBS

As you know, in the new ERP System, Re-agents are going to be inventoried and we already had your assent thereto.Our external Auditors have raised the issue pretty before the stock take on December 31,2012 and prescribed to settle it soon. As they have given us 10~15 days following the date of annual stock take, we are still not in a position to feed their query back even after 20 days. Could you please let us know the status of the Re-agents stock soon so that we can assure them.

Please direct this query to the Quality and Finance superusers.

This is regarding Receiving of Inventory items.

As per the VAT system's requirement, we have to interface GRN No, Lot No, Potency, PO Number etc. on creating a GRN from Oracle system to the VAT system (Please refer to the attached sheet). The Lot No & Potency details of the material cannot be generated unless goods are delivered to inventory and the delivery to inventory should be after the quality inspection.

As I understand the there is a specific time duration after creating the GRN within which the VAT rebate needs to be availed, hence the details of Lot No and Potency need to be transferred to the VAT system from Oracle within this time frame (30 days, please correct me if wrong).

We need to define a clear Process in this regard where in:

1. We will have to do quality inspection and deliver the goods to inventory in the specific time frame


2. Do a direct delivery to inventory on creating the GRN and do the quality inspection later. In this case a custom control mechanism will be required to prevent the invoicing until quality inspection is done.

Please get back to us with your view on the above and a process that you think would fit both quality and VAT requirements
Inventory Management in Oracle EBS Inventory Management in Oracle EBS Reviewed by Hosne on 4:52 PM Rating: 5
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