Individuals often make unconscious attributions in a wide variety of situation

67. In the process of impression management, the tactic of self-promotion involves trying to avoid being noticed by the boss.


It involves trying to present oneself in as positive a light as possible.

68. Bartenders often put their own money in their tip jars at the beginning of the evening to give the impression to customers that others have tipped them. This is an example of impression management.


69. Attributions made about the reasons for someone's behavior will not affect judgments about that individual's basic characteristics.


Attributions made about the reasons for someone’s behavior may affect judgments about that individual’s basic characteristics (that is, what that person is really like).

70. Individuals often make unconscious attributions in a wide variety of situations. However, they do not make conscious attributions.


People do make conscious attributions as well

71. Ron, who has rarely been late to a staff meeting, has just arrived at today's meeting 10 minutes late. Under these circumstances, it is unlikely that participants in the meeting will make conscious causal attributions regarding Ron’s behavior.


It is likely that conscious attributions will be made, since this is unexpected behavior for Ron, and such behavior commonly triggers conscious causal attributions.
Individuals often make unconscious attributions in a wide variety of situation Individuals often make unconscious attributions in a wide variety of situation Reviewed by Hosne on 11:21 AM Rating: 5
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