Causal attributions are common when the perceiver observes unexpected behavior

72. A manager is less likely to give the subordinate the freedom to choose their own approach to problem solving if the manager perceives the worker as a strong performer, because the manager knows that the subordinate will follow directions.


A manager is more likely to give the subordinate the freedom to choose their own approach to problem solving if the manager perceives the worker as a strong performer.

73. Causal attributions are common when the perceiver observes normal behavior on the part of someone.


Causal attributions are common when the perceiver observes unexpected behavior on the part of someone.

74. A central question in the attribution process concerns how perceivers determine whether the behavior of another person stems from internal causes or external causes.


75. The extent to which the person perceived acts in the same manner in different situations is referred to as distinctiveness.


76. Distinctiveness refers to the extent to which others, faced with the same situation, behave in a manner similar to the person perceived.


Consensus refers to the extent to which others, faced with the same situation, behave in a manner similar to the person perceived.

77. Under conditions of low consensus, low distinctiveness, and high consistency, the perceiver will tend to attribute the behavior of the perceived to internal causes.

Causal attributions are common when the perceiver observes unexpected behavior Causal attributions are common when the perceiver observes unexpected behavior Reviewed by Hosne on 11:22 AM Rating: 5
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