How to Promote Yourself & Your Business Without Feeling Sleazy

As a small business owner and leader, promoting your business and promoting yourself is essentially the same thing. But in today’s world of social media, many people are turned off by what they consider to be narcissistic self promotion. No one wants to be “that person.” However, there is a way to promote your business in a tasteful, professional way. 

 In this episode, Tricia and LZ will talk with Debby Stone, the founder and CEO of Novateur Partners and author of The Art of Self-Promotion. Debby will share her great ideas on how to get over the discomfort of self-promotion and how to promote in a way that’s tasteful, professional, and connects with others – instead of turning them off.

How to Promote Yourself & Your Business Without Feeling Sleazy  How to Promote Yourself & Your Business Without Feeling Sleazy Reviewed by Hosne on 1:07 PM Rating: 5

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