Some Pending issues in ERP Implementation

Can you please update me on the latest status of the pending issue list that you had forwarded to IT ? Please find below the status update:

1. General Ledger:

Latest updated COA : Received, G/L Team will mail me the further updated version. G/L Team will send the revised file by tomorrow

Mapping of financial statements with the current Chart of Accounts-COA: Yet to receive. Can’t be submitted until the external audit report (financial) is completed. Expected time of completion is next week

Allocation basis for common expenses for costing (Electricity, Washing Plant Cost etc): Yet to receive -> Costing will send the information after consulting with CFO by EOD tomorrow

Break up of fixed and variable cost related account codes: Yet to receive -> Costing will send the information by tomorrow

Account code combinations for Budgeting (PB3 and B8): Yet to receive--> G/L Team will send the information. Expected completion date is day after tomorrow

2. FA

Final updated FA Register: Received the same, As per Asset Manager, the Plant and Machinery file will be revised post the current audit exercise with Engineering departments. Account codes also need to be corrected in all the sheets, discussed this with G/L Team and Assets-> Expected deliverable is after the completion of external audit report

FA Register for Agro: Received the file for Plant and Machinery and reverted back with the changes, yet to receive the files for other Asset Categories. -->Expected submission by next week

3. CM

Bank wise Bank Transaction Codes: Yet to receive -->Can’t be provided as NOT all our banks can provide the same

4. LCM

Updated list of Cost factors : Yet to receive -> KPMG to discuss with Costing for clarification
Some Pending issues in ERP Implementation Some Pending issues in ERP Implementation Reviewed by Hosne on 3:31 PM Rating: 5
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