What are the causes for industrial or labor disputes?

(TOP 1) Poor labor relation is the prime cause for industrial or labor disputes. Poor relation with Collecting Bargaining Agents (CBA) is the another reason for industrial or labor disputes.

Reasons for industrial or labor disputes are many but here major in causes of labor or industrial disputes are given for your understanding:

1. Economically accrued reasons for industrial or labor disputes

Economic reasons of labour disputes are related to interest disputes or conflicts of interest which are concerned with the economic conditions of workforce and management. The variables under Economic reasons are as follows:

- Causes accrued due to Compensation

- Causes accrued due to Bonus

- Causes accrued due to working conditions

- Causes accrued due to Industrial problems

2. Management related reasons for industrial or labor disputes

The unjust and unfair labour treatment by the management may lead to labour disputes. Sometimes, management executes unsatisfactory and unfair policies and procedures to elevate business profits. But such unfair practices enrage the workforce and lead to labour disputes. Poor labor relation They are reflected by:

- Due to Non-recognition of unions

- Due to Selection and development

- Due to Job security

- Due to Leadership style

- Due to Communication

3. Politically accrued and Legally accrued reasons for industrial disputes

These reasons refer to all political and legal forces that affect labour dispute in the company. Political volatility and poor legal procedures influence industrial harmony to a great extent. Some of Political and Legal reasons components are:

- Due to Political interference

- Due to Union conflict

- Due to Political change

4. Psychologically Forced reasons for industrial or labor disputes

Everybody has his own individual psychological feelings, beliefs and attitudes. This divergence in beliefs and psychological aspects of persons can bring some labour disputes in the organization. Some of the psychological reasons are created:

- Due to Motivation

- Due to Appreciation

- Due to Authority and responsibility

- Due to Unfair treatment
What are the causes for industrial or labor disputes? What are the causes for industrial or labor disputes? Reviewed by Hosne on 1:38 PM Rating: 5
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