What does not amount to disqualification of directors?

The disqualification referred to in clauses (d). (e) and (j) shall not take effect,-a. For thirty days from the date of the adjudication sentence or order

b. where any appeal or petition is preferred within the thirty days aforesaid against the adjudication, sentence or conviction resulting in the sentence, or order until the expiry of seven days from the date on which such appeal or petition is disposed of

c . where within the seven days aforesaid, any further appeal or petition is preferred in respect of the adjudication, sentence, conviction, or order, and the appeal or petition, if allowed, would result in the removal of the disqualification, until such further appeal or petition is disposed of.

If a person functions as a director, knowing that his office has vacated on account of the above provisions, shall be liable to a fine upto Rs. 500/- per day of default.

A private company which is not a subsidiary of a public company may, by its articles, provide, that the office of director shall be vacated on any grounds in addition to those specified in above.

If the director fails to function in a proper way, he could be removed.

What does not amount to disqualification of directors? What does not amount to disqualification of directors? Reviewed by Hosne on 9:15 AM Rating: 5
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