How can a company alter the capital clause of its Memorandum?

A company limited by shares can alter the capital clause of its Memorandum in any of the following ways provided that such alteration is authorized by the articles of association of the company: -

1. Increase in share capital by such amount as it thinks expedient by issuing new shares.

2. Consolidate and divide all or any of its share capital into shares of larger amount than its existing shares. eg, if the company has 100 shares of Rs.10 each ( aggregating to Rs. 1000/-) it may consolidate those shares into 10 shares of Rs100 each.

3. Convert all or any of its fully paid shares into stock and re-convert stock into fully paid shares of any denomination.

4. Subdivide shares or any of shares into smaller amounts fixed by the Memorandum so that in subdivision the proportion between the amount paid and the amount if any unpaid on each reduced shares shall be same as it was in case of from which the reduced share is derived.

5. Cancel shares which have been not been taken or agreed to be taken by any person and diminish the amount of share capital by the amount of the shares so cancelled.

The alteration of the capital of the company in any of the manner specified above can be done by passing a resolution at the general meeting of the company and does not require any confirmation by the court.

Reduction of the share capital can be effected only in the manners specified in Section 100-104 of the Act or by way of buy back under Section 77A and 77B of the Act. Notice of alteration to share capital is required to be filed with the registrar of the company in Form no 5 within 30 days of the alteration of the capital clause of the MA. The Registrar shall record the notice and make necessary alteration in Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company. Any default in giving notice to the registrar renders company and its officers in default liable to punishment with fine which may extend to the Rs50 for each day of default.

Association clause A declaration by the persons for subscribing to the Memorandum that they desire to form into a company and agree to take the shares place against their respective name must be given by the promoters.
How can a company alter the capital clause of its Memorandum? How can a company alter the capital clause of its Memorandum? Reviewed by Hosne on 3:52 PM Rating: 5
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