System relating to Voting and Demand for Poll in an AGM

Voting and Demand for Poll (Sec. 179)

Generally, initially matters are decided at a general meeting by a show of hands. If the majority of the hands raise their hands in favor of a particular resolution, then unless a poll is de­manded, it is taken as passed. Voting by a show of hands operates on the principle of “One Member-One Vote”. However, since the fundamental voting principle in a company is “One Share-One Vote”, if a poll is demanded, voting takes place by a poll. Before or on declaration of the result of the voting on any resolution on a show of hands, the chairman may order suo motu (of his own motion) that a poll be taken. However, when a demand for poll is made, he must order the poll be taken. The chairman may order a poll when a resolution proposed by the Board is lost on the show of hands or if he is of the opinion that the decision taken on the show of hands is likely to be reversed by poll. When a poll is taken, The decision arrived by poll is final and the decision on the show of hands has no effect.

A poll is allowed only if the prescribed number of members demand a poll. A poll must be ordered by the chairman if it is demanded:-a. In the case of a public company having a share capital, by any member or members present in person or by proxy and holding shares in the company-i. Which confer a power to vote on the resolution not being less than one-tenth of the total voting power in

respect of the resolution, or ii. on which an aggregate sum of not less than fifty thousand rupees has been paid up.

b. In the case of a private company having a share capital, by one member having the right to vote on the resolution and present in person or by proxy if not more than seven such members are personally present, and by two such members present in person or by proxy, if more than seven such members are personally present.

c. In the case of any other, by any member or members present in person or by proxy and having not less than one-tenth of the total voting power in respect of the resolution.
System relating to Voting and Demand for Poll in an AGM System relating to Voting and Demand for Poll in an AGM Reviewed by Hosne on 11:14 AM Rating: 5
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