A warrant for the arrest of the defaulter may be issued by the Adjudicating Authority if the Adjudicating Authority is satisfied, by affidavit or otherwise, that with the object or effect of delaying the execution of the certificate the defaulter is likely to abscond or leave the local limits of the jurisdiction of the Adjudicating Authority.
Where appearance is not made pursuant to a notice issued and served, the Adjudicating Authority may issue a warrant for the arrest of the defaulter.
A warrant of arrest issued by the Adjudicating Authority may also be executed by any other Adjudicating Authority within whose jurisdiction the defaulter may for the time being be found.
Every person arrested in pursuance of a warrant of arrest shall be brought before the Adjudicating Authority issuing the warrant as soon as practicable and in any event within twenty-four hours of his arrest (exclusive of the time required for the journey). However, if the defaulter pays the amount entered in the warrant of arrest as due and the costs of the arrest to the officer arresting him, such officer shall at once release him.
When a defaulter appears before the Adjudicating Authority pursuant to a notice to show cause or is brought before the Adjudicating Authority, the Adjudicating Authority shall give the defaulter an opportunity showing cause why he should not be committed to the civil prison.
Pending the conclusion of the inquiry, the Adjudicating Authority may, in his discretion, order the defaulter to be detained in the custody of such officer as the Adjudicating Authority may think fit or release him on his furnishing the security to the satisfaction of the Adjudicating Authority for his appearance as and when required.
Upon the conclusion of the inquiry, the Adjudicating Authority may make an order for the detention of the defaulter in the civil prison and shall in that event cause him to be arrested if he is not already under arrest. However in order to give a defaulter an opportunity of satisfying the arrears, the Adjudicating AuthorÂity may, before making the order of detention, leave the defaulter in the custody of the officer arresting him or of any other officer for a specified period not exceeding fifteen days, or release him on his furnishing security to the satisfaction of the Adjudicating Authority for his appearance at the expiration of the specified period if the arrears are not satisfied.
When the Adjudicating Authority does not make an order of detention, he shall, if the defaulter is under arrest, direct his release.
Every person detained in the civil prison in execution of the certificate may be so detained ;-a. Where the certificate is for a demand of an amount exceeding rupees one crore, up to three years, and
b. In any other case, up to six months
However he shall be released from such detention on the amount mentioned in the warrant for his detention being paid to the officer-in-charge of the civil prison.
A defaulter released from detention shall not, merely by reason of is/release, be discharged from his liability for the arrears, but he shall not be liable to be arrested under the certificate in execution of which he was detained in the civil prison.
A detention order may be executed at any place in India in the manner provided for the execution of warrant of arrest under the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.
Any such contravention may, on an application made by the person committing such contravention, be compounded (i.e. fine paid in lieu of imprisonment) within one hundred and eighty days from the date of receipt of application by the Director of Enforcement or such other officers of the DirectorÂate of Enforcement and officers of the Reserve Bank as may be authorized in this behalf by the Central Government in such manner as may be prescribed.
Where a contravention has been compounded, no proceeding or further proceeding, as the case may be, shall be initiated or continued, as the case may be, against the person committing such contravention, in respect of the contravention so comÂpounded.
Where appearance is not made pursuant to a notice issued and served, the Adjudicating Authority may issue a warrant for the arrest of the defaulter.
A warrant of arrest issued by the Adjudicating Authority may also be executed by any other Adjudicating Authority within whose jurisdiction the defaulter may for the time being be found.
Every person arrested in pursuance of a warrant of arrest shall be brought before the Adjudicating Authority issuing the warrant as soon as practicable and in any event within twenty-four hours of his arrest (exclusive of the time required for the journey). However, if the defaulter pays the amount entered in the warrant of arrest as due and the costs of the arrest to the officer arresting him, such officer shall at once release him.
When a defaulter appears before the Adjudicating Authority pursuant to a notice to show cause or is brought before the Adjudicating Authority, the Adjudicating Authority shall give the defaulter an opportunity showing cause why he should not be committed to the civil prison.
Pending the conclusion of the inquiry, the Adjudicating Authority may, in his discretion, order the defaulter to be detained in the custody of such officer as the Adjudicating Authority may think fit or release him on his furnishing the security to the satisfaction of the Adjudicating Authority for his appearance as and when required.
Upon the conclusion of the inquiry, the Adjudicating Authority may make an order for the detention of the defaulter in the civil prison and shall in that event cause him to be arrested if he is not already under arrest. However in order to give a defaulter an opportunity of satisfying the arrears, the Adjudicating AuthorÂity may, before making the order of detention, leave the defaulter in the custody of the officer arresting him or of any other officer for a specified period not exceeding fifteen days, or release him on his furnishing security to the satisfaction of the Adjudicating Authority for his appearance at the expiration of the specified period if the arrears are not satisfied.
When the Adjudicating Authority does not make an order of detention, he shall, if the defaulter is under arrest, direct his release.
Every person detained in the civil prison in execution of the certificate may be so detained ;-a. Where the certificate is for a demand of an amount exceeding rupees one crore, up to three years, and
b. In any other case, up to six months
However he shall be released from such detention on the amount mentioned in the warrant for his detention being paid to the officer-in-charge of the civil prison.
A defaulter released from detention shall not, merely by reason of is/release, be discharged from his liability for the arrears, but he shall not be liable to be arrested under the certificate in execution of which he was detained in the civil prison.
A detention order may be executed at any place in India in the manner provided for the execution of warrant of arrest under the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.
Any such contravention may, on an application made by the person committing such contravention, be compounded (i.e. fine paid in lieu of imprisonment) within one hundred and eighty days from the date of receipt of application by the Director of Enforcement or such other officers of the DirectorÂate of Enforcement and officers of the Reserve Bank as may be authorized in this behalf by the Central Government in such manner as may be prescribed.
Where a contravention has been compounded, no proceeding or further proceeding, as the case may be, shall be initiated or continued, as the case may be, against the person committing such contravention, in respect of the contravention so comÂpounded.
Who will issue a warrant for the arrest of the defaulter under FERA?
Reviewed by Hosne
5:19 PM