Difference between a confession and an admission in law

There are certain key points that keep confession distinct from admission. There are numerated as follows:

1. The term confession is used in criminal proceeding, Statement by which the accused admits his guilt is confession while, the term admission is used in civil proceeding, Statement made by the accused is admission.

2. Confession can be retracted but admission cannot be retracted.

3. Confession may be of both kinds i.e. oral or documentary where an Admission is exculpatory.

4. All confessions may be recognized as an admission but all admissions are not confession.

5. A confession must be made before the Judicial Magistrate or infront of the court whereas admission may be made to any person out side of the court.

6. Confession is a species but admission is a genus.

7. A confession is admissible only when it fulfills the conditions mentioned under section 24-26 of the Evidence Act 1872, while an admission is admissible under section 21-23 of the Evidence Act 1872.

8. Confession given freely can be treated as a conclusive proof of guilt but admission related with the fact in issue or relevant fact, it is not a conclusive proof of evidence.

9. Confession of guilt by a accused person to a police officer can not be proved in criminal proceeding where admission of guilt by a person to a police officer may be proved in civil proceeding.
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Difference between a confession and an admission in law Difference between a confession and an admission in law Reviewed by Hosne on 9:47 AM Rating: 5

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