Contracts of Indemnity and Contracts of Guarantee

Contract of indemnity
  1. There are 2 parties indemnifier and indemnity holder.
  2. There is 1 contract between indemnifier and indemnified.
  3. The nature of liability of indemnifier is primary and independent
  4. In a contract of indemnity, the indemnifier promises without the request of debtor.
  5. A contract of indemnify is for reimbursement.
Contract of Guarantee
  1. There are 3 parties Creditor, Principal Debtor And Surety.
  2. There are 3 contracts between creditor and principal, principal and surety, surety and creditor.
  3. Liability of surety is Secondary.
  4. Contract of Guarantee is for security of a debt or performance of promise.
  5. Nature and Meaning of Contract of Indemnity.  What is Quasi Contracts?
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Contracts of Indemnity and Contracts of Guarantee Contracts of Indemnity and Contracts of Guarantee Reviewed by Hosne on 12:33 AM Rating: 5

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