The scope of the Civil Law - New CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE

- Since the entry into force of the new CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE at least one year by law. The rules that we are going to study territorial application, ie that all the judges on French territory are obliged to respect these procedures.

- There may be exceptions for applications based on the distance to the city and because of the story, including the departments of Alsace Moselle.

    → For overseas territories POM, when there are procedures for these territories, it is considered that the parties additional time. . Ex is assigned a part to appear before a court, that party has to appear for a certain period (15 days - 1 month). These delays are getting longer for persons residing in these territories.

    → To the departments of Lower Rhine, Upper Rhine and Moselle, the Treaty of Versailles permitted respect for the right German. A law of 1 June 1924 upheld the application in these three departments OF CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE German regime. Then the passage of the new CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, rules have been harmonized.

- These rules are territorial application, the French judge may not apply a foreign proceeding. Rule established since MA = The fact that each judge must apply its procedures does not mean that there are no procedural dialogue between states.

    → In fact, the rules relating to the transmission of documents in France are set in the CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE.
The scope of the Civil Law - New CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE The scope of the Civil Law - New CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE Reviewed by Hosne on 12:50 AM Rating: 5
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